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Nature Play

Providing therapeutic outdoor experiences for children of all abilities, backgrounds, race, and gender

What is Nature Play?

Nature Play is all about enhancing and promoting healthy child development. We use the inherently therapeutic qualities of nature to support children in our therapy stream (outdoor occupational therapy, speech-language therapy, and physiotherapy groups), our general enrichment stream (TimberNook), and our school residency programs. Our therapy programs are based on the research-backed Contigo approach, which is the industry leader in outdoor therapy. Nature Play therapists have been trained in this approach! 

child swinging outdoors in a natural environment
children walking through a nature trail in autumn
Why take therapy outdoors?

Group nature-based therapy

When we are outdoors, especially in nature, we become increasingly aware of our body, our senses, and the natural world around us. Anxiety drops, we move more, and we connect more. Therapy outdoors looks like play- which is the true occupation of children. Using highly motivating activities and supported play, therapy goals are addressed in a gentle, naturally occuring way that respects the needs of the child.

Is Nature Play a good fit for your child?

Occupational Therapy – mild to moderate challenges with sensory processing, peer play, coordination, motor planning, fine motor skills, emotional regulation, self-help skills. 

Physiotherapy – mild to moderate motor delays, including challenges with balance, coordination, strength, endurance. 

Speech-Language Therapy- mild to moderate delays in speech sound production, communication disorders, and social skills. 

Play Partners– age-appropriate social skills, enjoy being outside, benefit from small group size, opportunity to be a peer model in an inclusive setting and develop nature connection through meaningful activities and play.

*All children should be relatively independent with toileting, be able to follow basic directions, and function safely with a 1:3 ratio. Therapy groups are not appropriate for children who are a flight risk or have significant behavioural challenges.*

Toddler Multi-disciplinary Group– parent and child group for little ones who may have delayed developmental milestones and/or have parents who want some coaching directly from therapists (OT, PT, SLP all included)

If your child does not have therapy needs but could benefit from small group nature activities and supported play, please click here for more information about  our option for play partners.

If you are not sure if this program is the right fit, please get in touch with Devon at or 403-472-1211!

child exploring in the mud in rain gear