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Forest Play Programs- Calgary

Group outdoor play programs for all ages

What do our programs look like?

When kids cross over the stream into our space, they are welcomed to a place where they are free to play, learn, dream, try new things, and connect to nature. 

Forest Play forest programs (formerly TimberNook) are semi-structured outdoor play programs rooted in principles of healthy child development. Our groups are between 14-20 children, maintaining a ratio of 6:1. Programs take place in Edworthy Park, a natural space with owls, a little stream, and plenty of great climbing trees. We are a play program, not a school, allowing for flexibility to follow the interests and needs of the kids without being bound to a curriculum. We have a consistent flow to the day without a time-bound schedule, and intentionally minimize transitions and interuptions to play.

Experiences your child can look forward to:

   -Stories                                               -Creating their own pretend worlds
   -Games                                               –Experimenting with loose parts
   -Imaginary play                                  -Physical challenges
   -Campfires                                         -Building forts
   -Playing in the mud!                         -Meeting lots of awesome new kids!    

Available Programs

Nature Minis (ages 0-4)

Nature Adventurers (ages 6-11)

Nature explorers (ages 3.5-6)


Nature Girls (ages 8-13)

Looking for PD day, winter, or march break camps? Click here!