Terms & Conditions
Waivers – For forest play programs, waivers must be filled out and signed on Amilia. For therapy groups, waivers, and consent to treatment are part of the intake process on Therabyte. Children will not be able to participate in activities without these documents completed.
Payment – We are in the process of moving all payments over to Amilia (our registration system), where bank debit and credit card payments are available. Until that process is up and running, all payments will be through e-transfers based on invoices sent to you by Nature Play.
Missed classes/Cancellations – if a child misses a day for illness or other reason, refunds will not be provided. If a session must be cancelled due to weather or staff illness/emergencies, refunds will be provided for the missed program time or the program will be rescheduled. Please see our detailed cancellation policy when you sign up for a program.
Inclement weather – sessions may be cancelled or changed to an indoor/outdoor hybrid if temperatures are below -15C (before windchill). Sessions will be cancelled if there are high winds, electrical storms, or extreme driving conditions. Parents will be notified of cancellations via email with as much notice as possible. Air quality is also considered when determining if it is safe to be outdoors. We continuously monitor air quality during wild fire season and will cancel, delay, reschedule, or move indoors, depending on the group and location.
Bathrooms – Depending on the location, a portable toilet in a tent or an indoor bathroom facility will be available. We may use hand sanitizer in the winter instead of water for cleaning hands in the winter if we are using an outdoor water source. Children should be relatively independent in the bathroom. We can assist where required with outerwear, but kids are responsible for wiping.
Staffing – all staff have current police information check. Therapy groups are led by a registered therapist, with an assistant who may be a trained child development specialist or student. Forest play programs are led by a staff who is highly trained in the area of outdoor play and child development, with support from 1-2 additional support staff.
Clothing – a full list of required clothing will be included in your welcome package.
Goals/Reports – email summaries will be provided after each program day for both forest play and therapy groups. For therapy programs, individual goals are created for each child, and are updated each week. At the end of the block of session, a short summary report is provided.