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Current therapy program offerings

occupational therapy, Physiotherapy, social skills groups

Take your child's therapy out of the clinic and into the wild!

It’s time to re-imagine the way therapy and outdoor play can look for children. 

When we are outdoors, especially in nature:

  • We are more aware of our body and the world around us
  • Our senses are more regulated
  • Anxiety drops
  • We move more
  • We connect more

Using highly motivating activities and supported free play, therapy goals are addressed in a gentle, naturally occuring way that respects the needs, interests, and gifts of the child. We are a family-centred program, working closely with families to understand priorities and values, and are commited to using a neurodiversity-affirming approach.  Step out of the typical 4 walls of a clinic space, and allow your child to work towards their goals in a meaningful and holistic way.

Who are these programs for?

Our programs are suited for children with mild-moderate therapy needs. We see kids with and without formal diagnoses who may need support in the areas of social-emotional skills, motor skills, communication skills, managing anxiety, sensory tolerance, sensory regulation, self-help skills, and general peer play skills. Due to the nature of our group settings and the unpredictability of being in an outdoor environment, we are not able to accomodate children with significant behaviour challenges or who may be a flight risk- we would be happy to support you in accessing an alternative community program that may be a better fit for your child. 

What is included in my program fees?

Program fees include:

  • Intake call
  • Goal setting
  • Direct program hours
  • Weekly updates, ideas for home, photos
  • Goal updates
  • Summary report at the end of the program
  • 30 min check-in phone call with therapist 
(additional services such as phone/email/virtual consultations, detailed home programs, or collaborations with school or other therapists are available at a rate of $120/hour)
*program fees may be eligible for reimbursement through private insurance companies*
child working on a craft outdoors with tree bark

Occupational therapy

Supporting skills in the areas of self-help, sensory regulation, social-emotional, and peer play

Spring Groups

  • Preschool/kindergarten OT- Thursdays, 1-3pm
        -March 6-April 24 (no class March 27)
        -St.Giles Church (1102, 23 ave NW, Calgary)
        -Fees: $840 total (billed at $420 per month)
  • School-aged OT- Fridays, 2:30-4:30pm
       -April 4-June 13 (no class April 18)
       -St.Giles Church (1102, 23 ave NW, Calgary)
       -Fees: $960 (billed at $480/month)
  • Writing in the Woods- focus on fine motor skills and printing  FULL
       -March 26, 27, 28, 1pm-3pm
       -Ages- 6-10
       -St.Giles Church (1102, 23 ave NW, Calgary)
       -Fees: $350 
Child swinging on outdoor play ropes in the forest


Supporting skills in the areas of balance, coordination, endurance, strength, and ball skills

Spring Groups

  • Preschool/kindergarten PT- Wednesdays, 9:30-11:30am
    -April 2-May 21
    -Location: Bowmont Park
    -Fees: $960 (billed $480/month)

Social Skills

Supporting skills in the areas of peer play, conversation, perspective-taking, social-emotional, problem-solving, friendships

Spring Groups

  • School-aged social skills- Fridays, 2-3:30pm- FULL
    -April 4-June 6 (no class May 16) 
    -St.Giles Church (1102, 23 ave NW, Calgary)
    -Fees: $750
  • Preschool/kindergarten social skills- please inquire if interested
*These programs are eligible for funding through FSCD, please speak with your caseworker to determine if this could fit in your child’s contract*
Child walking on outdoors ropes course in the forest

Toddler Multidisciplinary Group

For children ages 1.5-3.5 with a caregiver

  • Fridays, 10am-11:15am
    -May 2-June 13 (no class on May 16)
    -St.Giles Church (1103, 23 ave NW, Calgary)
    -This program is for children of all abilities- it’s a great opportunity to connect with your child in nature and to learn from experts about how to support healthy child development through outdoor play! 
child exploring in the mud in rain gear

Frequently asked questions

Children are more motivated when peers are involved. They are able to learn from each other, help each other, and develop play skills through naturally occuring play instead of contrived, staged play with an adult. 

No, this is a drop-off program (except our toddler group!). Children should be independent in the bathroom, be able to follow basic directions, and stay safe within a group with a 1:3 ratio. We do thorough follow ups each week to ensure parents are an active part of the therapy process.

We are able to provide receipts for private insurance plans. Those with FSCD contracts may be able to add a social skills group- please discuss with your caseworker. Please talk to your FSCD worker to advocate for the group therapy model as they currently do not support it!  We also have a support fund to assist families who require partial subsidy- this fund depends on private donations, so availability of money may fluctuate. 

Of course! We love the team approach and are happy to connect with your child’s team to share strategies and successes. We do charge extra for these types of services, as we are committed to compensating therapists fairly for services provided.

We run our sessions in all weather. We have access to indoor locations during the winter to allow for a safe mix of indoor and outdoor play. We cancel sessions in the case of extreme road conditions, electrical storms or hail. Cancelled programs will be reimbursed or rescheduled.